Television, Computer/Laptop, Ipad/Tab, Mobile gaming/PSP etc.
- Upper limit for the duration of TV watching /day should be < 1 hour/day.
- Take a break for 5 minutes after 20 minutes of TV/PC/Laptop/Reading etc activities.
- Minimum distance from the TV should be 6 feet and from the laptop should be 1 feet.
- Encourage the child to play in the garden/open ground especially in bright sunlight.
- Sunlight protects child from myopia – let sunlight brighten your houses.
- In house -artificial light- CFL/Incadescent has no impact on myopic progression.
- Rubbing of eyes is associated with increase in astigmatism, so avoid rubbing.
- Balanced diet (vegetables/salad/fruits/milk etc) is necessary but does not affect refractive errors.
- Wear spectacle full time. Full correction with spectacles reduces defocus and progression of myopia.
- If progression is rapid (> 0.5 diopter/6months), atropine eye drops, progressive addition lenses, monovision and recently introduced (not commercially available) bioptic contact lenses can arrest / slow down the progression.
- Ideal age to dispense contact lenses for children is > 14 years age.
- Ideal age to surgically correct (LASERs etc) the refractive error is >18 years.
- Eye exercises / yoga / homeopathy / acupuncture do not have an effect on myopia progression!
- Parents having glasses / one child having spects is a risk factor, other children in the family must get an eye check up by 1 year of age to rule-out refractive errors.
Disclaimer: Above guidelines are based on current scientific literature and our experience.